Notes 20 11 18 Animal Mind Reading - Animals may be mind-read, e.g. for screening in selecting animal actors. If doves can multiply, then animals can perform axiomatic tasks and understand pattern matching. Animals may have their thoughts logged, become famous and society may grant them equal rights. They can't speak human language and therefore have limited memory of language, but their form of language or emotional language may be interpreted, and they may even be able to answer questions about algorithm writing based on pattern matching. Spiritual Time Travel Video Messaging - The fac/ non-fac contention is that even if you hear that you may have done work in the future (when you have not yet done it), you have not yet done it, or understood it up until that point. So, one should create natural expectation for the work to be done by doing it, even if the person from the future mentions details, meaning it, i.e. has been envisioned, etc. and arrived at logically. - The non-existent camera or video screen should not be surprising; after all, we live in a quantum universe. We have the choice to reply and reply with certain words, and it can be stopped at any time because we operate it via a computer. Prolog Computer - A printable Prolog computer would interface with the user, removing the need for coding or a screen or coding with graphics, which the computer would process automatically. For example, the computer would give what the user said or sang humanities texts, like copywriting (not changing the original version) or backing tracks, seen as (visual) artworks, etc., without additional input needed through coding. Marking up graphics for data analysis would be done without coding The Prolog Computer would edit out the need for graphical representation (on screen or in representations) of conversations, simplifying checking messages and perhaps is more for philosophical use, e.g. what the person (talking with themselves in the past) has done with software that the person in the past has created. There may be times graphics are necessary, e.g. in an emotional message that the person can't otherwise say in person. Spiritual Time Travel Video Messaging may be used to get to know a child in adult life if one is terminally ill, etc. User interfaces would be telepathic. Files would become sounds or programs created with mind reader and algorithm writer, given analytics parameters from more mind reading. Sound and graphics would be played and displayed in telepathic representations to the user. Operating systems would be simplified to be mind-controlled, and computers would eventually be abstracted into natural forms, as particles can be quantum programmed. There would still be algorithms as art forms. The arts would be an important part of life, aside from the moneymaking aim of computers, (or will money be necessary - perhaps thought currency is more intelligent?) Intelligently written algorithms, expressing humanism (like Prolog) would be closer to humans than machine learning, and academics will examine simple algorithms in academia.